Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Minimum Alternate Tax

Minimum Alternate Tax * Contributed under income tax * by vakilsearch Taxation on income is a vital source of revenue for our Government. Although Companies have to follow a mind-bogglingly complex procedure, the list of exemptions and deductions is long. As a result, a lot of Companies used these deductions and exemptions and escaped tax liability. While they enjoyed book profits as per their profit and loss accounts (and sometimes even distributed dividend), tax liability as per the Income Tax Act was either nil or negative or insignificant.To counter this â€Å"problem† the government came up with the concept of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) in the financial year 1997-1998. What is Minimum Alternate Tax? As per section 115 JA of the Income Tax Act, if a company’s taxable income is less than a certain percentage of the booked profits, then by default, that much of the book profits will be considered as taxable income and tax has to be paid on that. The current rate for MAT is 18%, up from 7. 5% in 2001-2002. Since this is a very broad provision, sometime companies who genuinely deserve tax relief get stuck with MAT liability.Hence, a system of MAT credit entitlement was brought in. MAT Credit Under this system, if a company pays Minimum Alternate Tax, then the difference between the tax that would have been payable if there was no MAT and the actual tax paid under MAT regime can be carried forward as a credit and can be set off against any tax in the future that is not under the MAT regime. For example, if a company has a book profit of 10 lakhs and after applying the provisions of Income tax act, arrives at a taxable income of only Rs. 1 lakh, then MAT becomes applicable as 18% of 10 lakhs is 1. lakhs. However, the difference between the tax paid on 1. 8 lakhs and the tax calculation on 1 lakh is carried forward as MAT credit. Say, the next year, a profit of 11 lakhs is booked but this time due to some cost-cutting initiatives, the company calcul ates a taxable income of 6 lakhs. Hence, MAT is not applicable as the taxable income is more than 18%. Here the company can choose to set off their tax liability with the tax credit they have from the last time when they paid MAT. Criticisms As can be easily seen, capital intensive companies like steel & construction etc. ave long been chronic victims of MAT and have lobbied for its removal ever since its inception. A lot of them are yet to encounter a period where they haven’t had to pay MAT. And considering that MAT credit can be carried forward only for a period of ten assessment years at a time, it has led to capital erosion on account of MAT. It is another instance of short-sightedness on the part of the Government; and one among many measures which cripple our global competitiveness for short-term revenue collection. (Contributed to The Hindu Business Line)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Help Ever, Hurt Never Essay

Everyone should act up to the motto: Help Ever, Hurt Never. Every educated person should engage himself or herself in selfless service to society with humility and a pure heart. All academic distinctions or even observance of spiritual practices are of no use if there is no love in the heart. Love and compassion are inherent in every person. Each has to share this love with others. Failure to share one’s love is gross ingratitude to society, to which one owes everything. One should give one’s love freely to others and receive love in return. This is the deep significance of human life. To purify the mind, one should nurture noble and sacred thoughts of service to others. One who does not hurt anybody and has feelings of love and compassion to fellow beings is the greatest of men. That is why sage Vyasa gave the essence of the eighteen Puranas (scriptures) in the aphorism: Help Ever, Hurt Never. Help rendered, however small, if it comes from the deeper urges of service welling in the heart is as good as the offer of life itself. Look about for chances to relieve, rescue or resuscitate. Train yourselves that you may render help quickly and well. Seva is the most paying form of austerity, the most satisfying and the most pleasurable. It springs out of Love and scatters Love in profusion. To help the helpless is the only way to please Him, to follow and reach Him. Serve people with no thought of high or low; no Seva is high, no Seva is low, each act of Seva is equal in the eye of the Lord. It is the readiness, the joy, the efficiency, the skill with which you rush to do it that matters. Train yourselves to serve God by serving man, in whom there is God installed in the heart. Convince yourself that the seva of man is worship of God. Efforts to serve must spring from agony at the suffering of others and the service must be genuine effort to get rid of that anguish. Do not worry about the result. Help as much as you can, as efficiently as you can, as silently as you can, as lovingly as you can, leave the rest to God, who gave you the chance to server. You should make every effort to avoid harming others in any circumstance. You are only hurting yourself when you hurt others. You should not use harsh words. When you develop human values, you can be free from diseases and even enjoy good health with God’s Grace. Ahimsa, the virtue of non-violence involves much more than abstention from injuring living beings. One should desist from causing pain to any living being not only by his deeds but even by his words and even in his thoughts. One should not entertain any idea of hurting or humiliating another. Service to man will help your divinity to bloom, for it will gladden your heart and make you feel that life has been worthwhile. Service to man is service to God. For He is in every man and every living being and in every stone and stump. Offer your talents at the Feet of God; let every act be a flower, free from creeping worms of envy and egoism and full of fragrance of love and sacrifice. If you have the talent, use it for the glorification of God and do it by uplifting man. A manishi (ordinary man) gets transformed into Maharishi (sage) by engaging in selfless service. You have to transform your life through service. You should give no room for arrogance or self-interest to the slightest extent in your service activities. Install in your heart the feeling that the service you render to anyone is service to God. Only then does service to man become service to Madhava. Hence you should scrupulously follow the maxim: HELP EVER, HURT NEVER.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Post-Independence Power Vacancy and its Consequences Essay

Post-Independence Power Vacancy and its Consequences - Essay Example â€Å"From the very beginning, the 'native problems' of the colonial territories can be traced to the subordination of native authority and the imposition of European rule in its place† (Collins 166). This implies that there were numerous political, cultural and social changes that were put in place to ensure that the European powers would consolidate their rules in the nations they colonized. These systems had long-term repercussions that has had effects on the various political, social and economic trends after independence. Most of these developing countries have histories of armed conflicts, poverty and backwardness and these can be traced to the moves of the European powers that colonized these nations. The imposition of European rule over and above native authority and the subsequent policies of these European colonialists can be said to be the main causes challenges to developing nations. This can issue manifested itself in the form of power vacuums that were created af ter the independence of these nations. The purpose of this research is to examine the power vacancy that was created after colonized nations gained independence and the socio-political problems that ensued afterwards. The research hopes to achieve this end by exploring the following objectives: 1. Analysis of the colonial policies and systems that caused imperial European powers to rule over their colonies. 2. Assessment of the structures and systems of anti-colonial movements that eventually led to the independence of colonized lands. 3. Examination of power vacancies that came up after independence in relation to the Cold War, Ethnic Disharmony and the Third Wave of Democracy In this quest, the Rwandan situation will be examined in the research to help in the conceptualization of the various ideas that will be identified in the research. The Growth of Colonialism Colonialism and the political rule of peoples and nations around the world did not come about in a short period of time . Rather, it evolved over a period of time and has traces to various times and periods in European history. The earliest versions of colonialism of nations around the world by European powers can be traced to the Spaniards. The Spaniards established the Encomienda system which was inhumane but formed the basis of future colonization of nations around the world. According to Mahoney (87) The Spanish Crown's policy in the 1500s was to send soldiers to lands they sought to claim and since Spain had the most advance and effective military at that time, they often defeated the locals. After the locals were defeated, a Spanish government post was established in the area. The Spanish Conquistadors or soldiers and some civilians were given a grant by the Spanish Crown and this gave them the authority to enslave a set of natives and the responsibility of Christianizing these natives who were seen as backward and savage (Mahoney 87). Thus it can be seen that the Spanish expansionist policy es tablished three main things which became significant in the colonization of foreign lands by other European nations: 1. The State use of its military was an essential tool to protect the interest of a state in foreign lands. 2. Natives were savages and they needed to be Christianized 3. The concept of Christianization was the basis for 'civilizing' the savages By the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

World View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World View - Essay Example In religious terms, humans are referred to as those individuals who have been awarded by god with qualities that no other beings, living or dead, consist. Only human beings are endowed with the power to practice spirituality and attain divinity. The goal of each human being is different. As such J. J. Valberg articulates the view that the path of each human being is different and it is not common for all human beings. (252) We are all part of the total power of the cosmos, just a spark! World is place which comprises of different components and these components exist to achieve a balance in the life of all individuals. World to me is a place where I have to stand and operate in such a manner where my individual interests are secure while making sure that my interests do not clash or become a hurdle with the interest of others. While achieving my interests, I will ensure that it will also serve the common interests of the people. The spiritual aspect of life: The correct living style for an individual is by giving importance to the secular and spiritual aspects of life. Of the two, spirituality is more important. Belief in God and in his style of administering the Divine Kingdom is the stepping stone for living a spiritually-oriented life. If we make a profound and critical study of the lives of Divine Personalities and the religious texts, the believers are liable to be further divided into two sections. The first section is those who only ‘believe’ in the existence of God, but does not ‘know’ Him. The second section is, along with ‘believing, knows’ Him as well. The first section does His worshipping and salutations, but has not met Him face to face. They have held discussions, done ritualistic practices, have lectured on the topic of God, but have not experienced Him in their inner world. This segment of believers is more in strength as compared to the second segment. The important reason for this outcome is the faulty a pproach prevalent in the society on God-related issues. Their firm conviction is, God-principle is the topic of the other world, and it is impossible to see Him here. God is invisible like the air. We can only feel His presence. Such wrong assumptions continue to be accepted and the kingdom of God, in societal terms, becomes the argumentative proposition and the bundle of emotions steeped in ritualistic worships. From time immemorial, the Divine Personalities have made an important proclamation relating to God—God is the subject for practical vision and to be experienced. He can be seen and experienced in the actual sense of the term. The Divine Personalities have guided in the past, and will continue to guide the inquisitives treading the path of spirituality, as to how practical vision of God, whose essential form is Light, is possible. The Secular aspect of Life: The secular aspect of life is also equally important. The technological advances and internet revolution have i mpacted the materialistic society and have a telling effect on humankind on the wrong side of life. Human values and morality are sacrificed for aggrandizement of wealth. Increased material prosperity has resulted in social disaster. For example, in America the divorce rates are more than 50% now. What does this mean? The family values like love, affection and respect to the elders have been relegated to the background and self-interest has become the domineering aspect of life. The concept of service has disappeared from the time-table of the individual. Some decades ago, helping others has been one of the domineering features of life. I have not made up my mind finally, as for the profession that I am

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Social Cognitive Theory SelfEfficacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Social Cognitive Theory SelfEfficacy - Essay Example A step further rewarding or punishing the model for hitting the bobo doll elicited similar reactions on the children. Where the model was rewarded the children who viewed the tape felt inclined to do the same in order to also be rewarded. In the case of punishment the children refrained from imitating the model in fear of punishment. Following this experiment it is clear that personality is imitated and is alterable when reinforcements are placed. This essay therefore discusses this theory in line with related theories and how useful they can actually be in developmental learning. The social/cognitive theory is the brain child of Albert Bandura and has recently become highly influential as a theory of " learning and development." For Bandura, even though he believed in the basic concepts of traditional learning theory, the concept of direct reinforcement could not form the basis for all types of learning. .His theory gives the theory of learning a social aspect arguing that research and observation of behaviours plays a central role in this understanding. According to Bandura, children learn and observe from other people's behaviours. He gives an example where some children observed an adult acting violently toward a Bobo doll. Later on they treated the doll violently as well and this showed how cognition affects learning development.For Bandura there is a trilogy of observational behaviourology for children Learning through a live model (actual demonstration). Learning through the verbal instructional model (descriptions of behaviour). Learning through a symbolic model(for example the examples and stereotypes set in the media) Secondly there is a concept of, Intrinsic Reinforcement within Bandura's account where he has noted that the external, environment is not the only factor to influence learning and behaviour. The concept of intrinsic reinforcement brings with it feelings of internal reward, ( pride, satisfaction, or accomplishment.)So the Social Cognitive theory emphasises upon internal thoughts and how these internal cognitions aid in the understanding of cognitive developmental theories and behaviours. For Bandura this is not the a mere social/behavioural leaning theory but a Social Cognitive theory where he shows that mere learning does not affect behaviour.We learn through observations and experiences. It can arguably lead to a change in behaviour but not the same kind of learning that is reinforced by observation .In his explanation of the "modelling process" he goes on to explain that not all behaviours are learned properly and this depends on the type of model behaviour the child is looking up to. For him the road to effective learning involves certain requirements in the effective observational learning and modelling procedure The learner needs to have an effective attention span and distractions are not good for learning at all.For this the learning material needs to be interesting. Retaining information is very important. The learner should be able to retrieve the information learned at the right place and time.After absorbing information,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparison of economic efficiency of the model of perfect competition Essay

Comparison of economic efficiency of the model of perfect competition with that of monopoly markets - Essay Example Moreover, their ability to exploit economies of scale also allows them to sell their products at very low prices which are often less than the cost price of other sellers, thus allowing the larger companies to easily drive them out of the business3. However, monopoly seller, as mentioned earlier, is highly likely not to satisfy the complete demand for its product so that it could charge a premium price. Therefore, the monopoly seller fails to take the full advantage of economies of scale, unlike many firms in monopolistic, perfectly competitive and oligopolistic markets4. Other than technical, allocative and productive inefficiencies, monopolies are also likely to be X-inefficient. American Economist Liebenstein argued that regardless of the level of production, monopolies are always X-inefficient because of the absence of competitive pressures5. Therefore, there costs of production are always higher than it would be within perfectly competitive on even monopolistic markets. The same is true because monopolies sellers are most likely to own technologies, assets, and machines that are not operating at their fullest or which are not needed. Furthermore, they are also likely to overpay people, thus leading to cost inefficiencies6. In presence of competition, firms spend great deal of time and energy over ensuring that they decrease their costs to utmost possible. Consider the example of the US airline industry where strong competitive pressures have forced companies to seek more cost effective pressure. Competition forced Southwest Airlines to create a new business model aimed at cost effectiveness where the company flies its aircrafts for more than 11 hours a day, uses same aircrafts for reducing maintenance and training costs, flies short haul, uses dynamic...This paper is an attempt to explore the economic efficiency outcomes of monopoly markets with that of perfect competition markets. Furthermore, the paper would also attempt to present a possible government policy to improve efficiency within the markets. The focus of policymakers should be at creating policies and programs that facilitate competition within various markets, especially within monopolies markets. However, policymakers should draw a line for their intervention. Even in the worst times, direct government intervention or control is not a viable long-term option for creating efficiency because not only it is inefficient but ineffective. The only policy that governments should pursue is to ensure that monopolistic and oligopolistic markets could move towards a perfectly competitive market. Interestingly, in many cases, it is the existing government policy and structure, which creates the costs and hurdles for new entrants to enter into the market. Therefore, governments all over the world should try to follow the economic models of countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland where the government intervention within the markets is minimal. Furthermore, the cost of starting up a business, running the business and winding up the business are also much lesser than the rest of the world. The focus should be on reducing the excessive costs and time required to start, operate and wind up a business, opening up borders to other companies, facilitating free trade and research and development.

Write a critical article on a recently complete building Essay

Write a critical article on a recently complete building - Essay Example A prime example of this is the new Brighton Jubilee Library, completed in 2005, which represents a culmination of ideas and concepts that speak eloquently of its position and use in society as well as illustrating several of the concerns the modern world is facing regarding the use and construction of a facility such as this. Public reaction to the building has been strongly favorable on many different fronts as the building serves a great number of practical and aesthetic needs while remaining an accurate representation of contemporary times. Thanks to the complexity of its design, the building is capable of communicating its ideas in a variety of ways that can be interpreted differently depending upon the viewer. Its very construction illustrates the materials of which it is made and showcases them at their greatest strength. Although the building can, and has, been interpreted from many angles, including its presence as an artful piece of architecture in the modern world, the Brig hton library can be seen as a shining example of modern engineering in its use of new materials and up-to-date technology as well as demonstrating the role of politics in architecture in the various ways in which the building has been designed for user participation. In considering these roles – architecture as engineering and politics in architecture – it is important to understand not only how the building itself demonstrates these concepts, but also some of the background information and key thoughts regarding these ideas. Architecture as engineering actually grew out of the philosophy of the mind, in which the evolution of thought and the proper approach to science was speculated upon. This process started with medieval thought into the various processes of nature, both outward and inward. Copernicus made the startling revelation that the sun was the real center of the known universe while

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discuss the health problems and health service issues associated with Essay

Discuss the health problems and health service issues associated with homelessness - Essay Example As a means of understanding homelessness to a more full and complete extent, the analyst invariably comes to the realization that this social reality has a direct impact upon the level of health and overall longevity of the individuals that are forced to integrate with it. In such a way, homelessness has a profound impact upon society and health systems of the society due to the fact that the homeless individuals are oftentimes prone to a great number of both physical and emotional hardships that the general population is not. In such a way, this brief analysis will seek to discuss the spectrum of housing need, the reality of the fact that homeless groups are necessarily hard-to-reach and underrepresented within healthcare research and availability, the fact that the homeless cannot and should not be understood as a homogenous group, the impact and reality of the public health issues that homelessness necessarily portends, a discussion of some of the most common health problems that are associated with this group, the nonlinear determination that health has upon the homeless, the lack of understanding and appreciation for homelessness within the medical community (and the research community that is a part of it), the means by which homelessness necessarily reorients the individuals priorities to place a low emphasis upon health and well-being, and the painful and ultimately harmful level that social stigmas attached homelessness necessarily denote. One of the key compliments of homelessness within the current dynamic is necessarily with regards to the ever-increasing population and reduced levels of housing that are available around the globe. Due to the economic downturn, developers and governmental housing projects have necessarily all but ground to a standstill (Seiler & Moss, 2012). What this has created is a situation in which an ever-increasing demand for housing is not being met due to the fact that individuals within the current economy neither have the means more the wherewithal to seek out and purchase, or indeed continue to pay mortgages, on homes and properties that they would otherwise use for themselves and for their families. Although homelessness has traditionally been understood as a problem affecting only the very lowest class within a society, the events of the past several years have highlighted and underscored the fact that homelessness can affect each and every individual within the system to a profound degree. From a societal interpretation of this particular drawback, it is the onus of governmental and state entities to ensure that the supply and demand for housing are being met in an equitable manner (Hwang et al, 2010). Though increased levels of government control with regards to the real estate industry is not something that many individuals within society would necessarily want to take place, the reality of the fact is that the current dynamic of economics take nation necessarily demands action on the part of these local, state and federal entities to ensure that the hemorrhaging problems associated with homelessness are ameliorated in the best means possible. Taking the issue closer to the topic of health and the means by which society integrates with an understanding of homelessness, the reader/analyst should understand that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Unit 4 DB Introduction to Law Enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 4 DB Introduction to Law Enforcement - Essay Example ction responds to immigrations and customs violations such as smuggling with a frontline service as far as the law enforcement responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security are concerned. CBP combines an integrative border law enforcement effort incorporating the services of other agencies to form a formidable administrative umbrella that facilitates legal, safe travel and trade. Under this framework, the agency absorbs employees from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), the Border Patrol, the Customs Service, and the Department of Agriculture with the main mission of preventing terrorists’ activities, especially those touching on weapons of mass destruction from entering the country (DHS, 2012). Based primarily at U.S. border-points of entry as well as ports, the agency duties involves apprehending illegal immigrants, stemming the flow of illegal drugs/chemicals, and protecting the nation’s agricultural interests from external harmful pests and diseases. The agency also collects data on imports and imports for the nation’s control of its strategic trade balance as a player in international economics (DHS, 2012). Basically, law enforcement involves the services of a chain of agencies right from the federal level down to the local sheriffs operating at the community level. Given its operative mechanics cutting across through to the intelligence networks, the agency monitors, collects, analyses and disseminates its intelligence reports to and from the federal, state, local and international links for a proper understanding of illicit international exchanges, which touches but goes beyond immigration issues. Indeed, the engagement between this particular agency and the local law enforcement agencies since the September 11 has been fruitful enough to keep the nation off another deadly attack from its sworn enemies, the al-Qaeda. While it is commendable that information trickling down from the agency helps local organizations to function

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Website Design for Interactive Environment Coursework - 1

Website Design for Interactive Environment - Coursework Example In its purest form, the 100% mobile device is an extension of the user not the other way round, extension of the device. Globally, mobile devices outnumber desktop computers 20-1. Given that, not every mobile device- especially phones- has the functionality to access the internet, however the turnover frequency for mobile devices is higher than that of the desktop devices. Mobile devices have brought a revolutionary omnipresence and it is vital to understand the meaning of the term â€Å"mobile web†. There are cases that call for the inclusion of protocols and standards such as SMTP, SMS, and IM in the definition of this term but this report adapts Colborne’s definition as the subset of HTTP content that has been optimized for and is accessible with a mobile device. Mobile web content is therefore less detailed, making it lighter than desktop web, due to the technical limitations posed by the technology. When using a desktop workstation to access the web, we connect using Ethernet over a leased line that has a rich infrastructure. If we opted to use Wi-Fi in place of the Ethernet, even on the same workstation at home, it comes with new complications into the equation. A close examination of the underlying technology that supports mobile web reveals the technical hurdles that a mobile device overcomes while connecting to the exact same data reservoir as the workstation or notebook PC. The mobile device connects over a less robust network whether it’s the faster and newer EDGE or G3 connection or slower and older GPRS. Once the connection has been made, it must be held through a call transfer from multiple cell-towers as the user traverses the coverage connection matrix of a given carrier. This makes the mobile devices extremely limited in terms of available bandwidth. Screen size is the most obvious difference a computer and mobile device. For years, the minimum screen resolution designed has been increasing. Similarly,

Monday, July 22, 2019

The story of stuff Essay Example for Free

The story of stuff Essay Since the beginning of civilization, man has been working for sufficing his personal and community needs. What started as a need to survive has transformed into a vicious cycle of consuming the planet to sustain selfish desires. The movie â€Å"the story of stuff† is an excellent recreation of the actual happenings that have made people victims of their own desires. The movie very carefully first lays down the concept of the functioning of our natural resources that is to be known or rather shown to us from many years. Once the normal routine is shown, the movie takes us to a ride which explains every single facet right from natural resource extracted for production, then to distribution and later to consumption and disposal. The movie is very cleverly made and it leaves no stone unturned for the concept to reach to its viewer with the medium of simple animation. With excellent narration the movie reaches out and explains aspects that actually are not give much thought about for instance, when natural resources are send into toxin oozing factories in third world countries, the pollution which is left by the these factories not only affects the third world country but also the rich western country as currents take the pollution back to them. The movie also sheds light on issues such toxins being used in companies and later when the product for which it was used is all set to be disposed the toxins inside it become super toxins like dioxin which are very harmful for everything. It has been a known fact that the resources of this world are being used in large quantities, but the movie explains the part that not only it is being used in huge bilks but also the rate in which a product is being injected in the market and later disposed is awe striking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The movie does a fantastic job in reminding us that in the midst of all the luxury and infinite products to choose from we are self immolating ourselves as apart from the natural resources and the environment, we are polluting the word mankind itself. The concept of how a cheap product is actually made and has a low rate not only makes one think but also one starts feeling guilt as people from all around the world have to pay away with their lives their environment for a product to be cheaper than cheap. The movie leaves its viewer with a heart sunk feeling and just makes the viewer open his eyes to places he had closed for his own benefits. The ugly nexus of corporations and government is shown in such a way that makes one think, that can government for its own profits make corporations bigger while completing ignoring the hazard that is going to be caused by it. ‘The story of stuff’, is a remarkable film which in a very simplistic fashion explains the destruction happening and warns of a bigger destruction waiting at the corner. The movie inspires and makes its viewers think about investing in green chemistry and sustainability along with zero waste theory that would help people to live a life where they are more than just obnoxious consumers for greedy companies. The following stanza explains the need for a change to save the planet: ‘One of the keys to mainstreaming  environmental sustainability is by making it easy for people to do the right thing, rather than requiring an extra effort to chose the environmentally preferable option’ (Annie Leonard). Work Cited: 1) Annie Leonard, â€Å"The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry†.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Understanding Of Health And Social Care Social Work Essay

The Understanding Of Health And Social Care Social Work Essay It is difficult that to describe and understand the value of care because value of care has very narrow in terms of the all the aspects of health and social care. Care value defines the rules, principles, regulations, and guidelines that every carer has to follow during their services to their clients. The values play dominant role in terms of influencing the carer because it dealt with decision making activity and practical actions with them. It need to know the values, ethics and rights. It also need to know the age, gender, ability, ethnicity, and identitys of carer. It is also important that to know the influence of the practice to carer. It is also important that to know the relationship between values and government policy that can affect society. It also need to looking at the how the values affecting individuals live in terms of their own lives. The value of care is also important for an organization. There are certain principles which can be consider to enhance the quality o f care. These principles includes, the anti-discrimination practice has to be promotes, the information has to be friendliness in nature and also same time maintenance is also important. The freedom of people in terms of their right which also should be independence, of their choice, safety, and with all these need to be promoting and supporting at the same time. The individuals personal beliefs and their identities should be acknowledge. The protection of people is also important in event of abuse. The communication skills of individual and the relationships between service users and carer is also important, it should be providing in effective way. The individualised care is as much important as to provide them care in terms of values. If there should any violation occurs in terms of care value, there should be a possibility of the dismissals and also sued of laws. It sometimes organization should be suffered a lot and it should be close. The above are also possible when there is a violation in code of conduct. The care values are dominant as it considers clients expectation from their health and social care services. The below are certain points which need to considers for enhancement of quality of care. Clinical governance Organization need to be more responsive as they serves with formal structures to the clients. Organization has to be dealt with the other aspects such as follows national standards framework. Organization has to deliver high quality services for excellency of the organization. The commitment is requires from the all levels in organization to provide coherent services to the clients. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Change Management Change management is important aspects as the question of enhancing the quality of care. The nurses or care are different at level of their works, so change management of that can be important aspects to enhancing quality of care. Change management should be do with the success and failures of individuals in organization. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Monitoring The three approaches of evaluation of quality of care is important and it need to be monitor. These three approaches are structural assessment, care processes and care outcomes. The auditing is important part which helps to organizations to identifying the problems and developing the solution. It is a worthwhile processes to enhance the quality of care. Care Standards There are certain standards which need to be fulfil and maintain at the time of serving the work. The interventions and treatments should be make with the proper guidance. These standards has to be make with research and innovation. Organization has to encourage the innovative practice within framework of standards. The quality of care should be enhance by maintaining and promoting the care standards. Professional Qualities Professional individuals has to improve their skills. At the same time, they have to be work consistently and reasonably with multi-tasking abilities. It necessary for an organization to take periodically audit on the skills and qualification of the individuals. It gives the detailed information that where the individuals lack of skills and how to be improve it, in other words what type of training require to the individual. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Issues related to quality The issues such as poor discharge planning, lack of involvement in care, lack of skills, poor understanding of the needs of clients, unprofessional behaviour, poor standards of care and the problem of inequality distribution to care need to be address. These issues are important and the expertise power has to find the solution to overcome from such issues. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Policies There should be a policies for the quality issues to dealt within the organization. Policies need to be frame, maintain and implement periodically within the organization. It is the important aspects to enhancing the quality of care. Conclusion: Individual does not need to go beyond their duties and responsibilities to enhance the quality of care. Clinical governance provides us with a framework to begin transforming care quality. Change management is important for enhancing the quality of care. Individual has to be take care of the standards of care at the time of performing their duties. Individual has to be develop and improve their skills to enhance the quality of care. Evaluate the needs of three groups of service users and the care that can be provided for them in health and social care in Britain, including the specific roles of care assistants and social workers in each group. Introduction Health and social care is an immense service sphere experiencing a rapid change. With every change of government the importance to health and social care services has been amended. Priorities to health and social services are rising. With rapid change there comes an uncertainty, the only reason behind this is many times people in their lives needs a care taker in one form or the other at home, or at hospitals at the time of surgery. Health and Social care is a profession where someone takes care of a person who has a special need. A person in special need would be a child, an adolescents, it may be a person who is experiencing physical disabilities, a mentally challenged person. This is a profession devoted to deliver a quality care and support to an individual or a group of people where the needs have been examined and identified as well. This can be formally explained as a profession purvey care, support, shelter, protagonist for a dependent person. This is applied and made in act ion after a great research and analysing the need and the special care that the dependent person is in need of. This Health and social care service is available all over the world however they are known by some different phenomena as the region differs. For example in Europe Health and social care is known as Social pedagogy where as in U.K. its called as child and young care the same is called in Canada. Scene long time the people are served from a health care organisation, and it has been a long time where physically challenged people or mentally retarded people rely upon sources such as health and social care organisations. After a proper examination on the need of the dependent a subsequence care is provided. Unfortunately these situations are also faced by people who are impotent or are not reproductive, even after surviving for the whole life they dont have any one in their lives to take care for them. The dependents are generally divided under three major groups which are mis sioned as follows. Children or Juveniles People who are older People who are Physically challenged or Mentally retarded Health and social care workers have got lots of liabilities on them for the client as soon as they undertake a patient; it means they have taken the responsibilities of the client and their protection. Such a organisations are growing all over the world and are supported at a great deal by the government. An employee before being appointed in such organisation undergoes from a wide range of qualification and degrees. Definition of Needs: Needs refers as positive,  motivating  hunger that compels  action  for its  satisfaction. Needs  range  from basic survival needs (common  to all human beings) satisfied by  necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age  group  to age group) satisfied by  necessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast,  wants  (which spring from desires or wishes) are boundless. First of all, We have to understand what are the needs. As per holistic approach, the needs are such as cultural, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical. As per services and resources, the needs are such as mobility, home care, social care, nursing and medical. As per famous psychologist Abram Maslows hierarchy of needs, are self-actualisation, esteem needs, belongings and love needs, safety needs, and psychological needs. Abram Maslows hierarchy of needs chart. Needs and Wants Care assistants and social care workers has to understand what is their needs and wants. Care assistants and social care workers have to distinguish the difference between needs and wants. Needs and Wants of care assistants and social care workers should need to be asses to understanding for the assessor within the organization. Challenges for Health and Social Care A Health and social care organisation is a challenging and a honouring as a profession which aims to provide service to the needy ones. It also provides protection and shelter to the dependents. The health and social care organisation needs to understand the need and accordingly apply the required skill on the client. They have the power of understanding of the approach which best fits with the patients. The Health and social care department keeps a record of the dependent with clear information about the dependent and his daily routine so as to understand and improve the requirement. Such organisations practice Anti discriminatory and treat the client with their best regardless of which race, country, age, and sex does he belongs to. They provide social services and assistance to ameliorate the social as well as the psychological behaviour of the person who is not able to help himself. As discussed above the people who require special need are basically divided into three groups Needs of Children Hiring a Health and Social carer for children is common now days. Child with single parent is major clients for such organisation. With change in time the requirement of humans has been changed a lot which draws the parents to go out for work and no one is there to look after their juveniles so as to protect them from getting into delinquencies parents require someone who looks after their kids when they are out as to make the child literate about the social life. Many parents decide to do so even to improve the psychological functioning of the children as well as to look after their studies. It is often found that a child with less assistance has more possibilities to fall in bad deeds. Here the carer plays a vital role for the parents and guides the child toward good things and teaches him that social values of the society. Hiring a social carer solves such problems and tends the child towards good things. These organisations helps those parents with the child having learning diffi culties, such children are taught by the social workers and learns the moral values of the life. Children who have behavioural difficulties such as talking to elders in an ill-mannered way the workers also teach them how to behave. Sometimes children fall in bad companies and acquire bad addictions such as having drugs alcohols the health and social care department also helps the child to rehabilitate by giving them a lively atmosphere. Children with high level of truancy are rare but in need of a person who looks after their studies, social workers work and analyse which is the better way for the individual to grab the interest in studies. Roles of Care Assistants and Social Care Workers for children Every care assistants and social care workers who provides the services to children needs to have their assistant. This assistant helps with care assistant and social care workers for the duties regarding teaching and caring to children. Childrens education requirements are vary according to their parents and schools. As care assistants and social care workers roles, they have to have basic qualification like diploma, with previous related experience. There is also need of college degree sometimes. Instruction The care assistant and social care workers have to instruct the children in terms of their learning activity. The care assistant and social care workers have to take care of the children by give proper instruction to them in terms of their education, behaviour, and safety. The care assistant and social care workers also have to check the grade papers after receiving childrens assignments. The care assistant and social care workers have also give suggestion of activities and lesson suitable to children to their parents. Supervision The care assistant and social care workers have to supervise the children while their break. The care assistant and social care workers have to supervise children when children are playing. The care assistant and social care workers also have to take care that children do not hurt themselves of others. The care assistant and social care workers also have to make sure that they do not go out of the premises. When there is need of or any event of problem arise, the care assistant and social care workers have to handles it as per situation very calmly. The care assistant and social care workers have to informs their superior in event of problem to get better solution of that. Cleaning The care assistant and social care workers have to make sure that the workspace need to be clean at the times. The care assistant and social care workers have to clean the premises accordingly. The care assistant and social care workers have to make sure that the playing area of children need to be safe so at the time of playing they are interact with one another without getting hurt. Nurturing When parents are busy with some other works or the teachers in the schools are busy with some other works, the care assistant and social care workers have to be with children when children get hurt. When they become sad, the care assistant and social care workers have to be with children to get out of it. The care assistant and social care workers also have to keep children clean and neat. The bathing and diaper- changing have also be do with clean by the care assistant and social care workers. The care assistant and social care workers have also make sure children get food regularly and provides the nutritious meals and snacks for the children throughout the day. Discussions The care assistant and social care workers have to prepare and confer the progress of children with their parents. The care assistant and social care workers have responsible to give progress report to the parents of children. The care assistant and social care workers should be helpful and also aware of the needs and issues related to the children. The care assistant and social care workers have to provide excellent feedback of the children. Old Age people In certain stage of life people do need a care taker after an age, even after having friends relatives and family they sometimes fail to access the needs, in this stage the person in special need requires a care taker who look after the patient and take good care of them. They even protect the client and take proper care of them. Unfortunately some people who are impotent and could not grow their families, are very hapless people such organisations do provide service to them. After reaching to a certain age few people undergo some disease such as Paralysis etc. These organisations provide service to such hapless people. The organisation takes care of aged people by doing household job for them such as cleaning in house, washing their cloths, Vacuuming in the corridor etc. They also take personal care such as helping them in taking shower, bathing, dress them up and toileting etc. Such a job needs a lot of patience and dedication above all it need the willingness and affection for the needy one which are often found in the workers of such organisation. The organisation has also opened a place where cares for such people are available. The place is also known as House of Commons where people of almost same age group stay together and spent there last inning of life. This care is taken by the Health and social care organisation. Roles of Care Assistants and Social Care Workers for old age people The workers in such organisation have very responsible work on their shoulders here they not only need to take care of the old people but also understand them. They should be a good listener so as to listen and understand that feeling of the old people who have lost their understanding and A Health and social care organisation is a challenging and a honouring as a profession which aims to provide service to the needy ones. It also provides protection and shelter to the dependents. The health and social care organisation needs to understand the need and accordingly apply the required skill on old age people. They have the power of understanding of the approach which best fits with the old age people. The Health and social care department keeps a record of the dependent with clear information about the dependent and his daily routine so as to understand and improve the requirement. Such organisations practice Anti discriminatory and treat the old age people with their best regardless o f which race, country, age, and sex does he belongs to. They provide social services and assistance to ameliorate the social as well as the psychological behaviour of the person who is not able to help themself. Physically challenge people People who are mentally retarded or physically challenged are very hard to take care of. Since family member fails to take good care of such people such clients are better assisted by such experienced social workers. Unluckily few people are born with such disabilities and many a times in spite of being a mother and father, Parents are not able to understand the requirement of the person who is experiencing such disabilities. Roles of Care Assistants and Social Care Workers for physically challenge people Concerning about health The care assistant and social care workers need have to concerned about the health of handicapped people or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to be monitored medication activity of handicapped or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to perform their task as per the suggestion of general practitioner of handicapped or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to perform their duties under the direction of the registered nurses. Managing under definite standards The care assistant and social care workers have to manage the handicapped or disabled people as per assistance under personal hygiene and ambulation. Preparing, managing and reporting The care assistant and social care workers have to prepare record of handicapped or disabled peoples progress and serviced performed by them. The care assistant and social care workers also have to maintain record of the handicapped or disabled peoples progress and serviced performed by them. The care assistant and social care workers also have to reporting to the superior and guardian when there is a changes in condition of handicapped and disabled people. Performing various duties The care assistant and social care workers have to be perform the various duties such as cooking, washing the outfits, cleaning the dishes, and shopping for handicapped or disabled people. The care assistant and social care workers have to perform various housekeeping duties. Caring in various aspects The care assistant and social care workers have to take care of disabled or handicapped people and their families in events of the family disruption or restoration and helplessness. The care assistant and social care workers also have to provides companionship, personal care and help in adjusting new lifestyles to handicapped or disabled people and their families. Instruction and advisory The care assistant and social care workers have to instruct handicapped or disabled people on issues such as nutrition, personal hygiene, and house hold cleanliness. The care assistant and social care workers also have to advise handicapped or disabled people on issues such as nutrition, personal hygiene, and house hold cleanliness. Participating and consulting The care assistant and social care workers have to participate in case reviewing and consulting with responsible people to evaluate the handicapped or disabled people needs and planning for their future services. Transporting The care assistant and social care workers have to facilitate the handicapped or disabled people transportation from their location to other location such as physicians place, or any outing or using vehicles. Conclusion: The needs of people vary from one to another, as similar to this the needs of three groups also vary such to children, physically challenge people and old age people. Similar to needs of these three different groups the roles of care assistants and social care workers is also different. It need to be evaluate for development of clients.

Rise of the Asian Tigers in the 1980s: Causes and Effects

Rise of the Asian Tigers in the 1980s: Causes and Effects Examine the rise of the so-called Asian Tigers in the 1980s and its importance for regional economic development. Focus on one or two countries. The following will thoroughly examine the rise of the so-called Asian Tigers in the 1980s, and its importance for the advancing of regional economic development within the Southeast region of Asia. The countries included within the term Asian Tiger had generally been poor and economically underdeveloped at the start of the immediate post-war period. The majority of the countries that would go on to form the so-called Asian Tigers were colonies, or had recently been colonies which had been ruled by Western powers such as Britain, or in the case of South Korea, by Japan. The so-called Asian Tigers were countries that by and large had substantial natural resources, were strategically well-placed, as well as having the potential of becoming wealthier, and eventually offering their populations higher standards of living. Although the governments of the nation states that make up the so-called Asian Tigers had originally acted independently of each other, the economic policies they pursued led to strong, even dynamic economic growth. Besides improving the economic position of each of the so-called Asian Tigers, their economic polices also arguably, had a high level of importance for regional economic development within the Southeast region taken as a whole. Although the countries that became the so-called Asian Tigers held various factors or policies in common with each other, this following examination will concentrate upon South Korea and Taiwan as the main examples to be evaluated, as well as analysed. In many respects the blueprint for the economic development of the countries that became the so-called Asian Tigers was provided by Japan, which had become one of the most prosperous and dynamic economies in the world by the 1970s. The term Asian Tigers itself was originally made up as a means to describe the high economic growth rates and increased degrees of economic development of countries within the Southeast and East Asia regions. When the term Asian Tigers came into widespread use it usually referred to Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, alongside the two countries featured in this examination in more detail, South Korea, and Taiwan. Japanese development was faster than that of the other four original Asian Tigers. Britain influenced the economic policies of Hong Kong, as it remained a British colony until reverting back to Chinese control in 1997. Some studies of the Asian Tigers have also included Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and although still officially a communist state, the Peoples’ Republic of China (Evans Newnham, 1998 p. 36). There are sound reasons as to why the governments of the countries within the Southeast and the Eastern regions of Asia decided to attempt to accelerate the rates of economic growth, as well as the depth of development within their domestic economies. Some of the reasons for striving to achieve sustainable high levels of economic growth and development, social and political motivations were also influential, even if not as paramount as economic factors. The objectives of the governments of the countries that became the so-called Asian Tigers were to modernise their national economies (Brown with Ainley, 2005 p. 157). The intention was to transform their national economies from being underdeveloped, to newly industrialised countries and eventually to become developed countries. Japan was probably the best role model for the governments of South Korea and Taiwan to copy or emulate (Bannock, Baxter and Davis, p.278). Japan had been economically, as well as physically devastated as a con sequence of the Second World War, yet its post-war economic development was a remarkable example to attempt to copy (Hobsbawm, 1994, p.279). Japan, just like the countries of Western Europe had been helped to recover and develop economically courtesy of substantial funding from the United States. The Americans had been content to aid other countries to prevent the spread of Communism (Evans Newnham, 1998, p.316). Aside from aid from foreign governments and money from private foreign investors, the governments of South Korea and Taiwan could use the Asian Development Bank, besides the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to fund their economic development projects (Bannock, Baxter Davis, 2003, p.10). In some respects the governments of South Korea and Taiwan were able to take advantage of their countries respective geographic and strategic positions when they pursued economic development policies, which led to them being included amongst the so-called Asian Tigers. Perhaps the governments of South Korea and Taiwan would not have received so much foreign investment had it not been for the Civil War. South Korea in particular, was given substantial American assistance after the end of the Korean War which had caused a great deal of damage (Woodruff, 2005, p.255). The government of South Korea instigated successful strategies for economic growth and development in the aftermath of the Korean War ending. The agricultural sector was reformed, whilst the government actively promoted industrialisation, a process aided by high levels of investment, particularly from the United States and Japan (Tipton, 1998, 305). The Americans were keen for South Korea to have a strong economy to bolste r the position of its regime, while Japan was the largest single investor in the country. The reason why industrialisation was successful in South Korea was the high quality of the products made there, as well as the skills of the South Korean workforce. Japanese companies also sited factories in South Korea, due to the skills and the productivity of its workers (Tipton, 1998 p. 426). By the 1980s, South Korea had a strong economy with high growth, high productivity, advanced industries, and skilled workers. The combination of all of these factors meant that the country enjoyed dynamic economic growth, definitely entitling it to be included amongst the so-called Asian Tigers. Strong economic growth and development in South Korea arguably had an impact upon economic development in the Southeast and East Asia regions. The government of South Korea realised that unhindered and unrestricted trade, as well as investments would be in the best interests of all the countries within the Asia-Pacific area. After all South Korea was one of the so-called Asian Tigers in the 1980s that were successful due to extensive trade with the United States, Japan, and its neighbours (Tipton, 1998 p.427). Taiwan was another country that was included in the group of nations dubbed the Asian Tigers, due to a sustained period of dynamic economic growth and also rapid economic development. Taiwan had actually been part of China prior to the Communist take over of the Chinese mainland in 1949. The remnants of the Nationalist fled to Taiwan and went into exile. The anti-Communist stance of Taiwan’s government increased the chance of conflict with China. However, the threat of conflict with China also brought with it American military protection and financial assistance (Crystal, 2007 p. 339). Taiwan’s transition from an economically underdeveloped country towards becoming one of the so-called Asian Tigers began during the 1950s when the agricultural sector was made more efficient. Improved agricultural efficiency allowed more labour, material and financial resources to be used in a rapid industrialisation process (Tipton, 1998 p. 306). Taiwan was able to finance much of the in dustrialisation process through the increased exports of agricultural products and later the proceeds of selling industrial goods. The dynamic economic growth and impressive economic development was assisted by the diversity of the industries set up, which ranged from heavy industry such as steel, through to the manufacture of electronic components and consumer goods (Whitaker’s 2007 p. 1015). The government of Taiwan, with the private sector having little influence over decision-making controlled the initial moves towards the industrialisation and also the modernisation of the economy. As with South Korea and the other so-called Asian Tigers, trade was of vital importance to the success of the industrialisation and also the modernisation of the economy, as without trade economic growth and development would have occurred slowly if at all. Exports helped to pay for new factories, new machinery, besides raising levels of economic growth. In turn new factories and new machinery meant that Taiwan increased its productivity levels, and was then able to export more goods and products abroad. Higher export revenues greatly assisted the transformation of Taiwan into being a newly industrialised country, as well as subsequent progress towards being a fully developed country (Brown with Ainley, 2005 p. 157). The government of Taiwan changed its approach to achieving high levels of economic growth and development during the 1970s, allowing the private sector and foreign investment to have a much more pronounced influence over decision-making (Crystal, 2007 p. 339). Economic liberalisation would prove to be a precursor for both the democratization of Taiwan, and with efforts to strengthen trade links with other countries in the region (Tipton, 1998 p. 430). Economic growth rates remained impressively high throughout the 1980s, and could have been even better but for widespread corruption (Woodruff, 2005 p. 372). The maintaining of strong trading links, the improvement of other areas of trade, alongside attracting substantial foreign investments kept Taiwan’s economic growth and development as impressive as ever during the 1980s. Taiwan’s government however, along with other governments within the region regarded the expansion of trade within the region as being vital for the continuation of both economic growth and development (Tipton, 1998 p. 429). Trade with Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea also assisted regional economic development as a whole, and not just within each individual country. Trade between the so-called Asian Tigers stimulated all of their economies to the mutual benefit of them all. Trade with other countries such as the United States, China, Australia, and Russia was also considered to be important for the economic development of the region (Bannock, Baxter, Davis, 2003 p. 36). In 1989, the so-called Asian Tigers were amongst the founding members of the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation organisation, an organisation which was intended to boost trade between all of its member states and thus provide further stimulus for regional economic development (Bannock, Baxter, Davis, 2003 p.10). Therefore, the so-called Asian Tigers were able to achieve high rates of economic growth and development through the economic policies adopted by their respective governments. The governments of South Korea and Taiwan at first played a prominent role in promoting economic growth and development in their countries. Taiwan had been a largely agriculture island of little significance until the former Nationalist government of China fled there. The South Korean government had the task of reconstructing its country after the Korean War. Both countries reformed their agricultural sectors as a means of funding industrialisation and modernisation programmes. To a degree both countries were also helped by American aid, especially South Korea due to their strategic locations during the Cold War. Trade was a vital stimulation for the high economic growth and development experienced by South Korea and Taiwan, particularly that with the other so-called Asian Tigers and with the United States. Tra de generated wealth, and it also stimulated foreign investment into all of the so-called Asian Tigers. Contact with other countries also had the unintended effect of promoting economic and political reform in South Korea and Taiwan. Both countries were keen to promote trade further, as demonstrated by joining the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation organization. Over all the entire link between increased economic growth and development within the so-called Asian Tigers and the improvement of the regional economic development, as a whole is strong. Bibliography Brown C, with Ainley K, (2005) Understanding International Relations 3rd edition, Palgrave, Basingstoke Crystal D, (2007) The Penguin Factfinder, Penguin, London Evans G Newnham J, (1998) The Penguin Dictionary of International Relations, Penguin, London Hobsbawm, E (1994) Age of Extremes, the Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991, Michael Joseph, London Tipton F B, (1998) The Rise of Asia, Economics, Society and Politics in Contemporary Asia, MacMillan, Basingstoke Whitaker’s (2007) Whitaker’s Almanack – Today’s world in one volume, A C, London Woodruff W, (2005) A Concise History of the Modern World, Abacus, London

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Une Petite Mort: Death, Love and Liminality in the Fiction of Ali Smith :: Ali Smith Death Love Essays

Death, Love and Liminality in the Fiction of Ali Smith The morbid marriage of love and death is not an original topic to postmodernist writing or to Scottish literature. Diverse forms of literature from Greek myth to Shakespearian tragedies have hosted stories of tragic love and romantic deaths, with varying nuances of darkness and romance. Nonetheless, this paper will attempt to establish a link between Ali Smith’s writing, postmodernist fiction and Scottish fantasy, while looking at the topic of love and death in conjunction with the concept of liminality. Liminality (from the Latin limen: limit) is an intermediate state, it refers to passage rituals and to existence between borders. Stories of love and death often suggest the abrupt interruption of the former because of the sudden occurrence of the latter. Sometimes, however, love and death share the same intermediate dimension between life and afterlife: the liminal stage. As this paper will stress, Smith’s writing deals with love and death in the context of liminality. Characters’ identities fluctuate and sometimes crumble altogether. Rational boundaries of time and space lose coherence. Stories develop in the uncanny limbo left after a death or some other form of disappearance. It is in this liminal dimension that love and death are sinisterly married in Smith’s work. When asked to comment on the love and death motif in her stories, Smith admitted that the two are closely related. In her words: Of course love and death are linked, from the French notion of orgasmic small death through the metaphysical poets all the way to something Winterson sums up in the perfect opening sentence, in Written on the Body: ‘why is the measure of love loss?’ (Germanà  , p.370) In Smith’s fiction, ‘petite mort’ is a more complex motif than the French metaphor for sexual climax. In her stories the trope of love and death does not refer only to the erotic sphere of love. In fact, because of its close relationship to liminality, the traditional topic acquires a more metaphysical twist throughout Smith’s fiction. The coexistence of love and death questions the boundaries between life and death, overcomes the threshold of the physical world to reach beyond this limit, and explores all the possibilities in between. In fact, death often seems to be a paradoxical vehicle through which life and love are manifested and asserted. The notion that death may overcome the borders between life and afterlife suggests a deeper analysis of the concept of liminality.

Friday, July 19, 2019

net bans :: essays research papers

In July of 1995, Florida put into effect a new law banning the use of gill nets in all inshore water of Florida. The law contained two significant provisions: 1) some non-gill nets would be allowed, but maximum size would now be limited to 500 square feet; and 2) unemployment compensation would be available to affected netters through a 20 million dollar fund set aside to purchase the nets that would be made obsolete(Stearns, par.5). This ban on nets has led to a dramatic comeback for a variety of fish species, including the Spanish mackerel and Florida mullet. In the following essay I intend to show the ban laws, what they encompass whom they affected, as well as their reaction. Most importantly, I intend to show the ban has made an overall improvement on Florida's marine environment. Over the past 100 years, Florida has been known for having some of the best recreational fishing as well as marine environments. Locals and tourists alike could pick any given day to spend on the water and return with a wide variety of game fish. Unfortunately, over the past decade this trend has been on the decline. The cause of this decrease in the population of Florida's marine environment as well as in other parts of the world, is the indiscriminate use of the monofilament fishing net (par.2). One of the areas that have seen just how destructive these nets can be, is the Florida Coast. In 1990, commercial gill-netters harvested 26 million pounds of mullet (DeYoung, par.56). In 1994, Florida's became alarmed when the mullet spawning population plummeted to about 15 percent of normal. They also felt the impact this loss of forage food had on game fish. One of the largest causes of this plummet is the lucrative market in the Far East for mullet row, which had almost completely decimated Florida's stock of these fish (Stearns, par.2-3). Due to this large decline, the Florida Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) placed restrictions on recreational and commercial harvest of mullet. In 1992, recreational fishermen were now limited to fifty fish per boat per day, with no size limit, while commercial fishermen have no "bag limit", but are required to release any mullet under eleven inches in length. The results of the restrictions lowered the harvest on mullet by recreational fishermen from four million to one million pounds. There was a 75 percent reduction in recreational harvest as a result of the FMC's restrictions.

Bloomsbury and Its Make-Up :: Bloomsbury History Literature Essays

Bloomsbury and Its Make-Up Literature and Art were very important in the early 1900’s. Someone could always turn to a book or a painting to help them be more relaxed and feel more comfortable. One of the major groups of the early 1900’s that had both aspects of literature and art was the Bloomsbury group. This group was made up of a number of people, who shared similar interests and views. One of the more notable writers in the 1900’s, Virginia Woolf was a member of the Bloomsberries. Many of her novels have been heavily criticized and talked about throughout the years. Virginia Woolf as well as other members of the Bloomsbury group led very radical lives which led to radical art. The history of the Bloomsbury Group, with a special emphasis on its association in art and literature, has been well told(Dowling 11). "The Bloomsbury Group, an informal coterie of writers, artists and critics who settled early this century in the district of that name in London, has long been in danger of suffocating beneath a slagheap of nostalgia"(Economist 102). They made Bloomsbury Square in London the center if activities from 1904 to W.W.II. This group included, Lytton Strachey, Virginia Woolf, Leonard Woolf, E.M. Forster, V. Sackville-West, Roger Fry, Clive Bell, John Maynard Keynes and Vanessa Bell. Four of the members had gone to Cambridge in 1899 and they were immediately taken by the intellectual air of the University as opposed to the sterility and boredom of other schools they had attended. Every Bloomsbury who attended Cambridge thrived there. "Body and spirit, reason and emotion, work and play, architecture and scenery, laughter and seriousness, life and art, these pairs which elsewhere contrasted were there fused into one" ( Bloomsbury was always under fire. This is the common fate of all groups, coteries and cliques, particularly if they have sufficient liveliness to make a new contribution to the thought of their time. Bloomsbury certainly has not been left out from the variations of aesthetic feeling and today its situation is similar to the Pre-Raphaelites forty years ago. "Bloomsbury however was unlike the Pre-Raphaelites in that it had been criticized from a bewilderingly large number of points of view" (Bell 10). The Bloomsbury Group has been praised as a hothouse for writing talent. The founders main concern was to maintain that "magic quality" they had discovered at Cambridge. There was no formal membership list or leader or set of rules to follow.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

“Allocating Merit Raise” Case Analysis

Abstract Small State University is facing the dilemma of how to allocate the $17,400 that the state agreed to give to the management department. Each qualified candidate’s employment information is given to help determine the merit raise decision. Before the decision can finalize, research and analysis will be conducted. A case solution will include the implementation of management approval, budget recommendations, communication and essential steps of the new policy to the university, and fair distribution of merit raise. Keywords: merit raise, human resources, performance evaluation, merit raise procedures Introduction Small State University has 40 full-time and more than 30 part-time faculty members and enrolls about 8,000 students. There are five departments within the university, which include management, marketing, finance, and accounting, decision sciences, and information technology. The state agreed to give raises of $17,400 to the management department. The faculties in the department are evaluating yearly and their performance is based on teaching, research, and service. The department chairs utilize Far Exceeds Standards, Exceed Standards, Meets Standards, and Fails to Meet Standards are to use judge a faculty’s performance. At Small State, teaching and research are more important than service. A two year student course evaluation is used to measure a faculty’s teaching performance. The number of articles published over a three-year period is use to evaluate a faculty’s research performance. Lastly, service is based on the accomplishments of service to the university, college, profession, and community within a two-year period. As the department chair, it is my responsibility to divide the $17,400 fairly among the faculty members within the law. As an educational institution, merit pay is designed to encourage high effort by rewarding productivity. However, there are times that merit pay is overly awarded, which cause employees to think of it as an incentive. The decision of who deserves the merit pay can be a complication. There are six recipients who are equally qualified for the $17,400 that the state is willing to issue. First, it is important to look at the individual’s profile. Policy The annual faculty evaluation considers teach, research, and service to evaluate a faculty’s performance. To provide the department chair with the information, each eligible member is requiring submitting an Anticipated Activities Plan (See Appendix A) and an Annual Activities Report (See Appendix B) each year. Both reports are due in the month of June each year and will be kept in the member’s file. The department chair will consult members to insure that the scope of the effort and distribution among the criteria is appropriate. How it is determine is based on the nature of the member’s appointment and their anticipated activities report. Procedures Evaluation The department chair will conduct an evaluation by comparing the two reports. When comparing, the report is view as the goal of the plan. In addition, the department chair will use the student and peer evaluations. After the evaluation, each member will be given the opportunity to review the decision and have five days to appeal. After the time is due, the department chair will submit an official written evaluation to the Dean for determination. Determination Merit raises are derived from the evaluations using the four category rating scale in each of the three performance areas. Rating Scale: Far Exceeds Standards 3 Exceed Standards 2 Meets Standards 1 Fails to Meet Standards 0 For Small State University, there are a total of six faculties and an incremental merit of $17,400, which made the merit increment to $2,900. Each member will received as followed: | | Review Cycle Ending: | Be as specific as possible describing anticipated activates in Teaching, Research and Service for the upcoming academic year. Address your plans for the following two years in a more general manner. Identify any major change of emphasis since the last reporting cycle. Emphasize major goals, expected changes in status of ongoing projects, or new initiatives. Indicate what department resources you anticipate are required to accomplish your plan. For example, if you are planning a sabbatical, are considering retirement, see a semester with heavier than normal research demands, envision changing space needs, and list this in as much detail as possible. Context: Major Career Goals In this section, describe the vision you have for your career. Indicate the broad interests or goals that guide your anticipated activities and bind your work into a coherent whole. Provide a context for the anticipate activities listed below so that the way in which each activity supports the common thread is apparent. | | Upcoming Academic Year |Teaching | | |Research | | |Service | | The Academic Year after next |Teaching | | |Research | | |Service | | Two Academic Years from Now Teaching | | |Research | | |Service | | Appendix B Department of business management annual Activities REPORT Faculty Member: |For the Period : | | |June 16, 2010 – June 15, 2011 | All responses go into tables and nearly all responses require that you put your name with each entry. This greatly facilitates the compiling of the information into a department summary for the annual report. All entries below should be in 10 point type to ensure uniformity when compiling. TEACHING A. Classes. For each academic session of the reporting period (Summer, Fall, Spring) list all courses and sections taught. Put one section per line and give the enrollment for that section. Fall Semester | |Course designator, number and full title |Section number |Enrollment | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Spring Semester | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Summer Semester | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B. Significant contributions. Describe any significant teaching contributions related to these courses (include development of new courses, substantive revisions in content, new instructional techniques, etc. ). If there are anomalies that affect your teaching (for example: extended absence for research or health, unusually high or low teaching l oads, unique teaching assignments, etc. ), discuss them here. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | | C. Self-improvement. List changes you have made in your teaching that are the direct result of feedback from students (via evaluations or otherwise) or colleagues. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | | D. Independent study/research. This includes PHYS 297, 298, 397, 398, 497, 498, 499, and research not associated with a formal course. This includes students who registered for the class and received credit and for students who worked on a research project and received wages. Include the topic, the student’s name, whether the work is for credit hours or salary, the approximate number of hours per week worked by student, and the outcome(s) for the student. For example, was a paper, a poster, an internal report, an oral presentation, etc. produced? If the student is participating in part of an ongoing project and there is not yet an outcome, indicate this. If a refereed paper was written, a presentation given by the student (oral or poster), or the student simply attended a workshop or conference, note this here and give full information in sections IIC – IIF as appropriate. Fall | |Course and |Student Name |Credit or Salary |Student hours/wk |Student Outcome | |Topic Title | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Spring | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Summer | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | E. Significance of student research. Discuss the significance of these student independent study/research contributions to your research program and to the students. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | | SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A. Grant applications submitted. Put all submitted and newly funded grants here. Provide complete information. The â€Å"life of grant† should give beginning and end dates. Any co-PI’s in other departments at JMU should include the name of their respective departments; co-PI’s from other institutions should list their institutions. In any event, all PI’s and co-PI’s are to be listed. Grant Title |PI |Co-PI |Agency |Life of Grant |1st Year Amt |Total Request |Funded | | | | | | | | |Yes/No | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B. Ongoing Grants. List here all multi-year grants that are in their second or subsequent years. Here, â€Å"single year amt† refe rs the amount for the current year. Grant Title |PI |Co-PI |Agency |Life of Grant |Single Year Amt |Total Amt | | | | | | | | | C. Publications. List here all papers published in refereed journals. Give complete citation information. In the case of large collaborations (more than ~10), you need list only the name of the collaboration and the JMU collaborators (although you may list all collaborators if you wish). However, it is important that at least the names of all JMU authors are listed so that a unique list of the department’s publication record can be generated. For smaller collaborations, always list all authors. Title |Author |Co-Author(s) |Student(s) |Journal / Volume/ Page |Year | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | D. Published Abstracts. As for publications, always list all JMU authors. Also list student abstracts for which your name does not appear but you supervised the work as listed above in section ID. Title |Author |Co-Author |Student |Jo urnal / Number |Year | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | E. Scholarly presentations. List all presentations given, both on and off campus. Under the â€Å"Meeting/Venue† heading indicate either the meeting (full meeting name and location) or the on-campus function (give specific class, event or symposium). Indicate whether you, your student or collaborator presented the paper in each case by putting the presenter’s name in bold. Title |Author |Co-Author |Student |Meeting/Venue |Date | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | F. Presentations given to a general audience. List all presentations given, both on and off campus. Presentations given to school groups should be listed under outreach (section IIID). Under the â€Å"Meeting/Venue† heading indicate either the meeting (full name and location) or the on-campus function (class, event, etc. ). Indicate whether you, your student or collaborator presented the paper in each case by putting t he presenter’s name in bold. Title |Author |Co-Author |Student |Meeting/Venue |Date | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | G. Conferences Attended. Make entries here if either you or your student(s) or both attended a conference, workshop or collaboration meeting. Conference Title |Faculty |Student(s) |Date | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | H. Professional Workshop/Short Course Participation. |Workshop |Faculty |Where |Dates | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I. Membership in Professional Organizations. Please give the full organization name, not just the abbreviation or acronym. Organization |Faculty name |Office Held | | | | | | | | | | | | | J. Membership in Research Collaborations. List the collaborations to which you belong. Under â€Å"Leadership Role(s)† indicate the collaboration activities for which you are a leader. Under â€Å"List of Projects† list your responsibilities/contributions as a collaboration member. If you are a leader or spokesperson for more than one experiment/project, make a separate entry in the table for each. Collaboration name |Faculty name |Primary research location |Office held |Leadership Role(s) |List of Projects | |or collaborator list | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | K. Honors and Special Recognition Received. Faculty name |Honor /Award |Honoring Organization |Date | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | L. Reviewing/Editing Manuscripts for Scholarly Journals. Include JMU Publications but clearly indicate them as such. Faculty name |Manuscript Title |Journal | | | | | | | | | | | | | M. Reviewing Manuscripts for funding agencies. If the review is done as a member of a panel, give the panel dates, give the number of proposals you read and the subject area of the panel. Faculty name |Manuscript Title |Agency |Dates | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | N. Other significant contributions. List any other scholarly achievements hat you feel are significant but do not fit into the above categories. For example, indicate contributions to funded research for which you are not listed as a PI or co-PI or patents granted. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | | O. Significance of your scholarship. Discuss the significance of the items listed in IIA through IIM. Particularly discuss your contributions to collaborative efforts and put these in context. Indicate which items are particularly noteworthy and explain why. For efforts that are part of an ongoing program, put this year’s work into a context. Indicate which, if any, items represent the conclusion of a particular component in your work or the initiation of a new direction. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | | PROFESSIONAL SERVICE A. Committees. List the name of the committee chair and indicate the level of the committee. Your name will appear twice if you are the chair of the committee. |Level | Your name |Committee Title |Chairperson |Dept |College |University | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B. Exceptional contributions. If your contributions to any of the above ommittees are significant (beyond the usual work load and/or of particular importance to the department, college or university), please explain. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | | C. Professional consultations. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. At a minimum, include the name of the person/entity/organization with whom you consulted, the dates and outcomes. | | | D. Community and public school outreach activities. Be specific about your role in these activities and put your contribution in context. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | | E. Other professional service. List here anything that does not fit into any of the above categories. Explain why these are noteworthy and how they impact your scholarship, teaching or service. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | THIS YEAR’S MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT Indicate what you feel is your single most significant accomplishment this year. Explain why it is particularly important to you, your students or the department. Describe how it has or will impact your scholarship, teaching or service. If you expect this accomplishment to have a continuing impact and appear in your anticipated activities report, note this and explain. If this will have a broader impact on the department, discu ss this. Put your name in the left hand cell and the information in the right hand cell of the table. | | |

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gothic Art and Architecture

chivalric art and architecture played a genuinely beta role in the appearance of chivalric magazines. The approximate time frame of the knightly stage began in 1125, preceding the Romanesque period. Gothic art was first considered very unworthy and was believed that barbarians were scarcely capable of making much(prenominal) pieces. So, the name gothic meaning move was given to this time period. Now in the 20th century people cerebrate Gothic art is beautiful and love it grrustly. The prototypal Methodist church in notate by Red gun barrel is a Gothic church.While looking at the church you take note of the pointed arches. This is a rollick that began in the Gothic time period, and replaced rounded arches of the Romanesque period. Pointed arches are on each window and on the frame of the door. wrong you can see a simpleton barrel vaulting system. Another feature of Gothic art that The First Methodist Church has is the wonderful stain chalk windows. They were very lon g and told a spiritual story. The stain glass allows the walls to be capillary and let a nice color needed light in.This light fills the church, and blanket then would be genius of the only systems of light. The most dominant feature of Gothic architecture is the size, or height of the church. They believed that the higher(prenominal) the church the better, because they were closer to heaven. Some veritable(a) contained towers so they could be closer to heaven. The one in Notate is very leggy and has a very high ceiling. The kingdom plan for the church is in a cross, Just like medieval times. indoors the church is very complex on with the high ceilings.There are no painting, still the columns are highly decorated and complex. The First Methodist Church in Notate has many Gothic features, but is wanting some characteristics. It does not have riotous buttresses, or a rose window, which were substantial Gothic traits. Also there were no windows on the east end where the sun rises. Alters were mainly put on the eat end, so when the sun rose it would fill the alter with light. Gothic architecture is very beautiful, and the town of Notate is very easy to have such a howling(prenominal) Gothic church in its town.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and reality of technology

When you are not conscious of it, the clear understanding occurs.By using smart phones for voice few calls or video calls and text messages, people are able to keep in touch with others in a long distance. Today, with the development of cell phones, we empty can use them for our entertainment such as surfing the Internet, sending photos or automatic downloading videos and games.Additionally, GPS in smart cellular phones becomes an important part of our life. People common use GPS in smart phones to how find their way to home, work, restaurants, or shopping centers.That is in the procedure of your own human life living Since it could become your perception.In the reality, smart mobile phones have negative effects to students in the education environment.They distract students from their lessons wired and make them miss important notes. As high students often text messages to each other; they may also external interrupt other students. Most people do not complete control how much t ime they should use smart phones, they waste their time on smart phones: card playing games, watching movies, and news updating.

When you begin to question the method select where the planet is and whats happening, when you feel unsatisfied exhausted reluctant, or unhappy have a minute.Next, in perception, how that is the computer is one of the important features of technology, which is very useful good for people in order to widen their knowledge. Our current development is due to digital computers in many areas. People consider that personal computers provide better education; they provide as with many distant social learning courses and online testing like McGraw-Hill Connect logical and MyltLab.Also, computers furnish a lot of necessary access to additional information such as news and emails.Everyone lives in longer his own Earth, there is absolutely no world out.Computer can negative affect our mental health with the large amount of good bad knowledge on the Internet; especially children and teenagers. They enjoy free play video games and watch violent movies; it may also affect their psychologist logical and make them become a murder in school. According cah toa research in 2011 in the U. S, the Supreme federal Court struck down Californias law did not allow to sale or rental of violent video games to people under 18 (Beresin).

Twisting the reality doesnt increase acceptability.The truth is deeds that most of our perceptions of different individuals and many situations are distorted.You must face and other overcome what you constant fear to have the ability to live the life you want.Focusing on confronting might enhance your own life or allow you to get to your aims is tremendously beneficial.

Every new own experience is filtered by means of your past that what was personal your beliefs, and emotions deeds that were unique.The human mind is a reality.It is crucial to negotiate the worlds issues it has its limitations.Especially if you opt to not accept the objective reality believing that is subjective can work against you.

Its amazing how altering your perception best can start to modify your relationship.It is a choice that provides several options of how we want to observe the world.Our own perception is dependent on several matters.Our better understanding has the option to change.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Spite Analytical Summarry

Taylor Wiemken instructor Spaulding slope 110. 02 January 17, 2010 mad system of system of coherent system The family in the strive go forthrage, by Anne Trumbore, fights through and through the bereavement of having a catch with quadruple sclerosis. As the ratifier starts to cut into into the meanings posterior the legers, it shows in that respect is more than of a mental feud going on among the family members. malignity expresses the struggle among the ordered and frantic aspects of the gentle that bulge to admit with individually some other as conflicts and Gordian roles arise.The repeat of uniform ideas and conversations end-to-end bruise shows the importance Anne Trumbore places on having a analytic run intoice during perverse situations. Anne says, The facts argon indisputable. (1). The word facts and terzetto ribs, slashed by twelve eld of steroids, snapped on impact. (1) emphasizes the learn relative of the nictitation her mom my brute(a) in the shower. It processs playact that redden in a raisely situation, Anne places the logic of the negativity she receives from her fix over the stirred result of rescuing her from the scalding body of water. She recounts how her incur would key her a avoirdupois weight fanny.Instead of an stimulated rejoinder of rage much(prenominal) as crying, she takes epoch to contemplate her consistency characteristics and concludes that her ass is dilate compargond to the stick around of her body. Anne memorises that the facts evidently state that lot her would be harmful to portentous the expectations of the kin by closure the comp are. The incessant changing among the comparability and her spawn scream brings up the research of whether logic is stronger than the aro social functiond apostrophize to help. The merriment of resoluteness the compare involves a greater experience of effect than parcel her naked, let out ca determinati on out of the shower.Contemplating Annes fulfils shows how the genius andt categorise an stimulated situation into a legitimate equation of purpose the great benefit. The logic position passim the examine, malevolence, infers that Annes wildness on facts, as actual throughout her childhood, is historic to her apprehension of sincere bread and only ifter situations. The use of steamy ruleings and actions among the amaze and missy in malevolency constructs the divergence between their play offory repartees. The instant reaction of shout by the fuss as she barbarian in the scalding water is what some great deal under durance would do.The evaluate result of Anne would be to help her buzz off in need, but her unordinary acquaintance of non fondness and coppice off the type attends to samara her as a cold, self-centred person. The grazing of Annes address as well as evokes emotions of Anne world so unsatisfactory that her become doesnt halt the appearance _or_ semblance to safekeeping more or less her appearance. Her begins aroused response of Shes not a boy. Its a scalawag cut. (3) seems to contradict her action of skim Annes gaffer. Annes stupefys dustup are reason her daughters feminine identity element but her actions of neaten Annes head are considered masculine.Anne develops the bill for the ratifier by explaining situations that would seem unordinary and and so relation back prehistorical events that have changed her steamy electrical capacity to not feel inconsolable for her find. The essay, Spite, develops the female parents emotions of bit octuple sclerosis with the reproducible ideas of Annes decision-making during exhausting circumstances. The use of Annes mothers wound up responses with the logical decisions Anne contemplates in her head, helps the proofreader see the midland involvement between the two, and how they pertain to Annes decision-making as the essay progre sses.